
Having used Netvibes in the past I thought it would be interesting to try out Protopage I removed most of the widgets provided selected a nice purple theme and added a widget for our library website. Wish I had time to do more!! its very easy to use and customise…. Start pages can be useful for learning about various technologies but are quite limited in the extent to which they can be developed.



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I’ve used quite a few different browsers during work and whilst studying – Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and IE particularly. I learned that some issues experienced with different browsers are due to the way that web pages are written, and that it can be very difficult to create pages that can be universally understood and that can keep up with the latest developments. There are standards that should be followed but these change over time and unless websites are updated accordingly, issues with visibility etc can occur.

…the beginning

QR Code - Keeping up to date19 things wordle

I started working through the 19 things programme just recently and so far have tried Wordles and QR codes. I think that there are lot of possible uses for these in libraries – wordles can be created from subject lists and added to library leaflets to highlight services; QR codes can be used to provide links to websites, e journals, ebooks…